265 research outputs found

    Tourism as sustainable regeneration opportunities of smaller historical centres

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    In che modo il turismo può essere un elemento che può dare un contributo significativo allo sviluppo e all’innovazione sostenibile urbana?Questo studio si propone di analizzare gli elementi che caratterizzano alcune iniziative ed azioni realizzate in Italia e in Europa che vogliono far conoscere quei territori non coinvolti dal turismo di massa e promuovere un turismo di qualità; l’obiettivo è quello di avviare una riflessione su ciò che il turismo può e deve fare in particolare per la sostenibilità e la rigenerazione dei centri storici minori.È necessario avviare un cambiamento, iniziando a considerare il turismo come una grande opportunità e coordinando gli sforzi necessari a valorizzare il potenziale inespresso di questi luoghi.La presenza di molteplici tipologie di turismo richiede lo sviluppo di un’offerta differente e la definizione di strategie di attrazione dei territori in funzione delle proprie diverse caratteristiche, opportunità che può orientare e guidare i flussi turistici anche verso territori sino ad ora periferici.L’aspetto originale consiste infatti nell’aver individuato, nelle destinazioni minori, quelle aree in cui la qualità territoriale e la marginalità assumono una connotazione positiva sino a diventare fattori distintivi.Per un rilancio dei centri storici minori questo studio si è concentrato su un’innovazione di metodo attraverso l’individuazione di una direzione chiara nella quale muoversi mediante una rivisitazione dei ruoli (e delle competenze) delle istituzioni europee e nazionali che presiedono i temi del turismo e della tutela del patrimonio al fine di snellire e semplificare le procedure, i programmi, le attività.Com pot el Turisme ser un factor que pot contribuir de manera significativa al desenvolupament i la innovació urbana sostenible?Aquest estudi vol analitzar els elements que caracteritzen algunes iniciatives i accions realitzades a Itàlia i a Europa que volen promoure aquelles àrees encara no implicades en el turisme de masses en el camp del turisme de qualitat. L'objectiu és posar en marxa una reflexió sobre el que el Turisme pot i ha de fer especialment per a la sostenibilitat i la regeneració dels centres històrics menors.Cal iniciar un canvi, començant a considerar el Turisme com una gran oportunitat i coordinant els esforços necessaris per potenciar el potencial inexplorat d'aquests llocs.La presència de múltiples formes de turisme requereix el desenvolupament d'una oferta diferent i la definició d'estratègies d'atracció per part dels territoris en funció de les seves diferents característiques, oportunitats que poden orientar i guiar els fluxos turístics també a zones fins ara perifèriques.L'aspecte original està de fet en haver identificat, en les destinacions menors, aquelles àrees en les quals la qualitat espacial i la marginalitat prenen una connotació positiva fins convertir-se en factors distintius. Per rellançar els centres històrics menors, aquest estudi s'ha centrat en una innovació metodològica a través de la identificació d'una direcció clara en la qual moure mitjançant una revisió dels rols (i competències) de les institucions europees i nacionals que regulen el sector del turisme i la protecció del patrimoni, per tal d'agilitar i simplificar els procediments, programes, activitats.How tourism can be a factor that can make a significant contribution to the development and the sustainable urban innovation?This study aims to analyse the elements that characterize some initiatives and actions carried out inItalyand inEuropethat want to introduce those areas not involved by mass tourism and to upgrade quality tourism; the target is to start a reflection about what tourism can and should do particularly for sustainability and regeneration of smaller historical centres.It is necessary to initiate a change, starting to consider tourism as a great opportunity and coordinating the efforts needed to enhance the untapped potential of these places.The presence of multiple types of tourism requires the development of a different offer and the definition of strategies for attracting the territories according to their different characteristics, opportunities that can guide and direct the flow of tourists also to areas until now outlying.The original feature consists in having identified in smaller destinations, those areas in which the territorial quality and the marginality take a positive connotation and become distinguishing factors.For a relaunch of smaller historical centres this study focused on an innovation of method through the identification of a clear direction in which to move through a review of the roles (and responsibilities) of the European and National institutions that govern the issues of tourism and the heritage protection in order to streamline and simplify procedures, programs, activities.Peer Reviewe

    Creation and (Re)presentation of Historical Discourse in Isle of Passion by Laura Restrepo

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    Published in Colombia in 1989, but neglected until the author’s later distinction, Laura Restrepo’s first novel, Isle of Passion, focuses on historical facts, as well as on the issues that arise when the impact of events is articulated in official discourse. This study—drawing from Walter Mignolo’s idea of decolonial theory—explores how Restrepo’s attempt to rewrite history following “an-other logic, an-other language, an-other thinking” contributes to the decolonization of knowledge, being, community interests, and cultural heritage. The novel’s plot centers on a minor event in international history: the territorial dispute over the island of Clipperton, which was encountered by an English pirate escaping the Spaniards in the 1700’s, claimed by the Mexicans for its geographical proximity, owned (since 1930) by the French, and occasionally disputed by the English and US governments. Writing while personally experiencing the trauma of exile, Restrepo narrates the forgotten story of the Mexican soldiers—deployed with their families to defend the island—as a metaphor of marginalization. Clipperton, therefore, represents not only a geographical, but also a historical entity. This reading of Isle of Passion describes how its creative dis-order recovers a chapter of national history, finally retold by its silenced protagonists

    Mother yeast as a successfully entrepreneurial innovation: the case history of Porta1918

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    The purpose of this contribution is to highlight how heritage represents, in some cases, the main company innovation on which to build its competitive success. To do this goal a case study was chosen for a small company that makes baked goods in a small town in Sardinia, from which it emerges that the "roots" were the main innovation to face the current challenges, but accompanied by the "wings as "knowledge, technology, openness to relationships with other actors in the context. The approach followed is of a qualitative narrative type and the case history is constructed through a mix of sources

    Radio Emission and Orbital Motion from the Close-encounter Star–Brown Dwarf Binary WISE J072003.20–084651.2

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    We report the detection of radio emission and orbital motion from the nearby star–brown dwarf binary WISE J072003.20–084651.2AB. Radio observations across the 4.5–6.5 GHz band with the Very Large Array identify at the position of the system quiescent emission with a flux density of 15 ± 3 μJy, and a highly polarized radio source that underwent a 2–3 minute burst with peak flux density 300 ± 90 μJy. The latter emission is likely a low-level magnetic flare similar to optical flares previously observed for this source. No outbursts were detected in separate narrow-band Hα monitoring observations. We report new high-resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations that confirm the presence of a co-moving T5.5 secondary and provide the first indications of three-dimensional orbital motion. We used these data to revise our estimates for the orbital period (4.1_(-1.3)^(+2.7) year) and tightly constrain the orbital inclination to be nearly edge-on (93º6^(+1º6)_(−1º4)), although robust measures of the component and system masses will require further monitoring. The inferred orbital motion does not change the high likelihood that this radio-emitting very low-mass binary made a close pass to the Sun in the past 100 kyr

    Strong Anharmonicity at the Origin of Anomalous Thermal Conductivity in Double Perovskite Cs2 NaYbCl6

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    Anomalous thermal transport of Cs2 NaYbCl6 double-halide perovskite above room temperature is reported and rationalized. Calculations of phonon dispersion relations and scattering rates up to the fourth order in lattice anharmonicity have been conducted to determine their effective dependence on temperature. These findings show that specific phonon group velocities and lifetimes increase if the temperature is raised above 500 K. This, in combination with anharmonicity, provides the microscopic mechanism responsible for the increase in lattice thermal conductivity at high temperatures, contrary to the predictions of phonon transport theories based on solely cubic anharmonicity. The model accurately and quantitatively reproduces the experimental thermal conductivity data as a function of temperature

    Participants with Normal Weight or with Obesity Show Different Relationships of 6-n-Propylthiouracil (PROP) Taster Status with BMI and Plasma Endocannabinoids

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    Reduced taste sensitivity to 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP), a genetic trait regarded as a general index for oral chemosensory perception, has been associated with a calorie-rich food preference and lower circulating endocannabinoid levels in participants with normal weight (NW), which suggests an adaptive mechanism to maintain a lean phenotype. In this study, we assessed whether participants with obesity (OB) show different patterns of plasma endocannabinoids and lipid metabolism biomarkers from those of NW, with further categorization based on their PROP sensitivity. NW and OB were classified by their PROP taster status as non-tasters (NT), medium-tasters (MT) and supertasters (ST). The blood samples were analysed for plasma endocannabinoids, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and retinol, which have been associated to metabolic syndrome. In OB, we found a higher BMI and lower circulating endocannabinoids in ST vs. OB NT. However, OB ST showed lower circulating NEFA and retinol levels, which suggested a more favourable lipid metabolism and body fat distribution than those of OB NT. We confirmed lower plasma endocannabinoid levels in NW NT than in NW ST. These data suggest that PROP taste sensitivity determines metabolic changes and ultimately body mass composition differently in OB and NW

    Variegated silencing through epigenetic modifications of a large Xq region in a case of balanced X;2 translocation with Incontinentia Pigmenti-like phenotype

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    Molecular mechanisms underlying aberrant phenotypes in balanced X;autosome translocations are scarcely understood. We report the case of a de novo reciprocal balanced translocation X;2(q23;q33) presenting phenotypic alterations highly suggestive of Incontinentia Pigmenti (IP) syndrome, a genodermatosis with abnormal skin pigmentation and neurological failure, segregating as X-linked dominant disorder. Through molecular studies, we demonstrated that the altered phenotype could not be ascribed to chromosome microdeletions or to XIST-mediated inactivation of Xq24-qter. Interestingly, we found that the Xq24-qter region, which translocated downstream of the heterochromatic band 2q34, undergoes epigenetic silencing mediated by DNA methylation and histone alterations. Among the downregulated genes, we found the inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells, kinase gamma (IKBKG/NEMO), the causative gene of IP. We hypothesize that a mosaic functional nullisomy of the translocated genes, through a Position Effect Variegation-like heterochromatization, might be responsible for the proband's phenotypic anomalies. Partial silencing of IKBKG may be responsible for the skin anomalies observed, thereby mimicking the IP pathological condition. In addition to its clinical relevance, this paper addresses fundamental issues related to the chromatin status and nuclear localization of a human euchromatic region translocated proximally to heterochromatin. In conclusion, the study provides new insight into long-range gene silencing mechanisms and their direct impact in human disease

    Formación Inicial Docente (FID) y educación intercultural: cómo prevenir la violencia hacia la niñez migrante

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    The goal of this article is to analyze the relationship between teacher training needs in the field of interculturality and violence against migrant children with a view to an anti-racist education. Results of a study carried out in two regions of the country are presented: Metropolitan and Valparaíso. Through a qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews were applied to teachers and professionals who serve the migrant school population. It is concluded that there are discourses that recognize the problems of racism and discrimination suffered by this population, as well as other accounts that deny or minimize it, hierarchizing the nationalities of origin of the migrant student body. There is also an urgent need for teacher training that emerges from a global public policy that promotes an updated curriculum where cultural diversity is a value, while the category of childhood is recognized as a priority axis of inequality and the recognized reception as a transversal practice. In the current scenario, various coexistence conflicts arise that need to be managed from paradigms that are friendly to migrant children and methodologies that recognize their rights and guarantee true inclusion in our country.A propósito del aumento de la matrícula de niñas y niños de origen extranjero en el sistema educativo chileno, es objetivo de este artículo analizar la relación entre las necesidades de formación docente en el ámbito de la interculturalidad y la violencia hacia la niñez migrante con miras hacia una educación antirracista. Se presentan resultados de un estudio realizado en dos regiones del país: Metropolitana y Valparaíso. A través de una metodología cualitativa, se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a docentes y profesionales que atienden a población escolar migrante. Se concluye que existen discursos que reconocen las problemáticas de racismo y discriminación que sufre esta población, así como otros relatos que lo niegan o minimizan jerarquizando las nacionalidades del estudiantado migrante. También se constata una imperiosa necesidad de Formación Inicial Docente que se desprenda de una política pública promotora de un currículo actualizado en el que la diversidad cultural sea un valor, a la vez que la categoría de infancia se reconozca como un eje de desigualdad prioritario y la acogida sea vista como un punto de partida. En el actual escenario, surgen variados conflictos de convivencia que requieren ser gestionados desde paradigmas amigables con la infancia migrante y metodologías que reconozcan sus derechos y permitan garantizar una verdadera inclusión en nuestro país

    Haplotype affinities resolve a major component of goat (<i>Capra hircus</i>) MtDNA D-loop diversity and reveal specific features of the Sardinian stock

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    Goat mtDNA haplogroup A is a poorly resolved lineage absorbing most of the overall diversity and is found in locations as distant as Eastern Asia and Southern Africa. Its phylogenetic dissection would cast light on an important portion of the spread of goat breeding. The aims of this work were 1) to provide an operational definition of meaningful mtDNA units within haplogroup A, 2) to investigate the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of diversity by considering the modes of selection operated by breeders and 3) to identify the peculiarities of Sardinian mtDNA types. We sequenced the mtDNA D-loop in a large sample of animals (1,591) which represents a non-trivial quota of the entire goat population of Sardinia. We found that Sardinia mirrors a large quota of mtDNA diversity of Western Eurasia in the number of variable sites, their mutational pattern and allele frequency. By using Bayesian analysis, a distance-based tree and a network analysis, we recognized demographically coherent groups of sequences identified by particular subsets of the variable positions. The results showed that this assignment system could be reproduced in other studies, capturing the greatest part of haplotype diversity. We identified haplotype groups overrepresented in Sardinian goats as a result of founder effects. We found that breeders maintain diversity of matrilines most likely through equalization of the reproductive potential. Moreover, the relevant amount of inter-farm mtDNA diversity found does not increase proportionally with distance. Our results illustrate the effects of breeding practices on the composition of maternal gene pool and identify mtDNA types that may be considered in projects aimed at retrieving the maternal component of the oldest breeds of Sardinia.</br